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My 1st Post

Maybe I should inform you guys that this blog is going to be in mix of English and Malay language. Since this blog has no specification to anything, my future post might have something which i prefer to elaborate in Malay. Maybe later when there are much posting done, I'll label each of it into keywords or topics so you won't have any problems finding your interest inside.

My starting point to get my own blog was when a lot of friends ask me questions about it. Since i had better exposure to IT than they were, it was like carrying a "information counter" banner on my back. Yes, i do posses some knowledge but I'm not a Guru. Much questions like; what is blog? Why doing it? What good will you get? .. and many more, which sometimes made me unsure whether I'd gave proper answers to make them satisfied with my words.

Since many people were asking about it and considering how global the web world is, I'm thinking that i should have one too. It's more than an online journal. It's more than expressing yourself for fun. This "new media" certainly provide you a foundation where you can be yourself, posting your views and ideas, sharing joy and interest, and possibly everything you have in mind. Then, readers might response with comments, linking and track back, sharing knowledge with each other and develop and refine new ideas. Be it an individual blog or you can extend it to your business and organization. There's basically no limitation to blogging, excepts to few legal and ethical concerns where Timothy Boudreau, an Assistant Professor of Journalism in Central Michigan University has documented as guideline.

The best part about blogging is, you can start one with no cost at all (set your internet bills aside, please). There are a lot of free service provider like Blogger and Wordpress.com that enable you to start right away once you'd done with sign-up process. There's no need to worry about web publishing knowledge since they have numerous templates for you to start with, and many independent websites offering free templates for your blog. Get yourself started with them and once you intend to be a serious blogger, then only you'll want to think about having your own name and hosting.


Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?

Could not find a suitable section so I written here, how to become a moderator for your forum, that need for this?

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  • I'm Matlan
  • From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • A simple man trying to live a simple life.
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